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Tragic Love Triangle

It's a

Coming Soon - December 1, 2020


It's a Tragic Love Triangle is a short film created by the following students: Kiana Polanin, Johana Mejia, Elise Talbott, and Gabriela Marrero. Throughout the website, the reader will explore New York's corrupt environment and learn about the Stokes trial's major events in the late 1860s. The images, illustrations, map, and documents all highlight the key issues regarding the relationship between Jim Fisk Jr., Josie Mansfield, and Edward S. Stokes.

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The New York Herald says: “The cowardliness of the act reaped its first fruits in the public mind by awakening for Fisk a wide felt sympathy”

Rating: five stars 


The New York Times says: a “murderous deed, brutal and cowardly, and will attract towards Fisk an amount of public sympathy to which no part of his career has entitled him.” 

Rating: five stars


The New York World says: “In the act may be seen, in its most accurate type, the spirit of those marital murders which disgrace our pretensions to civilization, and whatever miserable results this wretched business may have, it will be beneficial in its result if it enables men, who cannot see that murder is murder when perpetrated under the specious plea of upholding the sanctity of marriage, to appreciate the same crime when perpetrated with the view of consecrating concubinage."

Rating: four stars


The Toast of New York. Directed by Rowland V. Lee, performances by Edward Arnold, Cary Grant, Frances Farmer, and Jake Oakie, RKO Pictures, 1937.

“Assassination of James Fisk, Jr.” Helena Weekly Herald (Helena), January 11, 1872.>

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